Multi-Asset solutions

The Multi-Asset Solutions Team (MAST) works to achieve the right balance between managing risks and seizing opportunities.

A comprehensive approach to multi-asset investing

The Team believes asset allocation is the primary driver of long-term portfolio performance. They overlay their own macroeconomic and investment expertise to a broad range of dedicated investment professionals from across diverse asset classes to create multi-asset portfolios tailored to institutional investors’ desired outcomes.

After determining each portfolio’s strategic asset mix, the Team may implement tactical asset mix decisions based on its robust Five Lenses Process, which focuses on generating global ideas that are implemented locally. This results in constantly monitored multi-asset portfolios designed and managed to suit each client’s objectives and restrictions. The Team also lends its experience to advise institutional investors looking to develop their Investment Policy Statement.

group discussing in office


Investment Philosophy

Investment process – The Five Lenses

The Five Lenses process begins with strategic asset allocation, based on long-term assumptions for expected returns, standard deviations, and correlations of various asset classes.

Formulate the Strategic Asset Mix

  • Forms the long-term risk/return expectations of the portfolio.

Portfolio Implementation

  • Identify suitable constituent strategies that deliver risk/return characteristics consistent with the investment objectives.

  • Identify biases (i.e. sector/factor) of building block managers to manage active risks.

  • Evaluate holding overlap and cross asset implications including cost effectiveness of chosen vehicles

Tactical Positioning

  • Maintaining relative active positions to reflect the Team’s process driven views. Multiple alpha generators may be used, such as cross asset, intra asset, regional and factor biases as well as security selection strategy type.

Meet the team

The Multi-Asset Solutions Team is comprised of a diverse group of investment professionals with disciplines in macroeconomics, quantitative modeling, portfolio construction and fundamental analysis. This single functional team focuses on the science and art of asset allocation to solve problems with custom investment solutions for institutional investors.

Contact us

To learn more please contact us at


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Commissions, trailing commissions (if applicable), management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the fund facts or prospectus of the relevant mutual fund before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. Distributions are not guaranteed and are subject to change and/or elimination.
For a summary of the risks of an investment in BMO Mutual Funds, please see the specific risks set out in the prospectus.
BMO Mutual Funds are managed by BMO Investments Inc., which is an investment fund manager and a separate legal entity from Bank of Montreal.
BMO Global Asset Management is a brand name under which BMO Asset Management Inc. and BMO Investments Inc. operate. Certain of the products and services offered under the brand name, BMO Global Asset Management, are designed specifically for various categories of investors in Canada and may not be available to all investors. Products and services are only offered to investors in Canada in accordance with applicable laws and regulatory requirements.
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